Kite Size Calculator

Find Ideal Kite Size

Board Type

Rider Weight

…kg / …lbs

Wind Speed

Twin Tip kiteboard
Twin Tip
Directional Kite board
Hydrofoil Kite board

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How to Use the Kite Size Calculator

If you're passionate about kiteboarding, selecting the right kite size is crucial for an enjoyable and safe experience. Fortunately, with the help of a kite size calculator, determining the ideal kite size has become much simpler. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to effectively utilize the kite size calculator provided:

Step 1: Accessing the Calculator

Navigate to the Kite Size Calculator webpage on your preferred browser. Once there, you'll encounter an intuitive interface designed to facilitate easy input and calculation.

Step 2: Board Type Selection

The first decision to make is regarding your board type. Depending on whether you're using a Twin Tip, Directional, or Hydrofoil board, select the appropriate option by clicking on the corresponding radio button.

Step 3: Input Your Weight

Slide the weight input range to reflect your body weight accurately. As you adjust the slider, the displayed weight will update in both kilograms and pounds, ensuring clarity and convenience.

Step 4: Enter Wind Speed

Next, enter the wind speed in your chosen unit—whether it's knots, meters per second, kilometers per hour, or miles per hour—into the designated input box.

Step 5: Click 'Calculate'

Once you've inputted all necessary information, hit the 'Calculate' button. The calculator will then process your data and determine the ideal kite size based on your weight, chosen board type, and wind speed.

Step 6: View Results

After the calculation is complete, the recommended kite size will be displayed in square meters within the result box. This value represents the optimal kite size for your specific conditions and preferences.

Why Kite Size Matters

Power and Control

The size of your kite significantly impacts the amount of power it generates. A larger kite captures more wind, providing greater pulling force, especially in lighter wind conditions. Conversely, a smaller kite offers less power, which can be advantageous in stronger winds or for more experienced riders seeking enhanced control and maneuverability.

Wind Range Suitability

Each kite size has an optimal wind range in which it performs best. Selecting the appropriate kite size ensures optimal performance and safety. Using a kite that's too large in strong winds can lead to overpowering and loss of control, while using a kite that's too small in light winds may result in inadequate power for riding effectively.

Riding Style and Conditions

Your choice of kite size should align with your riding style and the prevailing wind and water conditions. For example, freestyle riders may prefer smaller kites for faster turns and increased agility, while freeride or wave riders might opt for larger kites to harness more power and lift for jumps or navigating choppy waters.


Selecting the appropriate kite size is essential for ensuring a safe kiteboarding experience. Using a kite that's too large for the conditions or your skill level can lead to overpowering, making it challenging to control the kite and increasing the risk of accidents or injury. Conversely, using a kite that's too small may result in insufficient power for relaunching or riding effectively.


Matching the kite size to your weight, board type, and wind speed optimizes performance and enhances overall riding experience. A well-suited kite size allows you to ride comfortably, execute maneuvers with precision, and enjoy the sport to its fullest potential.


In conclusion, understanding the significance of kite size is paramount for every kiteboarder. Whether you're aiming for maximum power and control, ensuring safety in varying wind conditions, or optimizing performance according to your riding style, selecting the right kite size is key. By utilizing the insights provided and the assistance of kite size calculators, riders can embark on their kiteboarding adventures with confidence, knowing they've equipped themselves with the knowledge and tools necessary for an exhilarating and safe experience on the water.

Kite size calculator

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