Where To Put Car Keys When Surfing?

where to put car keys when surfing

As surfers, one of the essential considerations before hitting the waves is what to do with our car keys. The last thing anyone wants is to return from an exhilarating surf session only to find their keys lost or damaged. Fortunately, there are several options available to keep your keys safe and secure while you’re out enjoying the ocean’s bounty. From specialized waterproof pouches to ingenious hiding spots, each method offers its own blend of convenience, security, and peace of mind. Let’s explore seven reliable options on where to put car keys when surfing, ensuring that your focus remains on catching the perfect wave rather than fretting over your keys’ whereabouts.

7 Options on Where to Put Car Keys When Surfing

1. Waterproof Key Pouches

Waterproof key pouches are specifically designed to keep your keys safe and dry while you’re out on the waves. These pouches are made from durable, waterproof materials and feature secure closures to prevent any water from seeping in. They typically come with a loop or attachment point, allowing you to secure them to your wetsuit, boardshorts, or even your surfboard.

I’ve used a waterproof key pouch on several surfing trips, and it has been a game-changer for me. Not only does it provide peace of mind knowing that my keys are protected from water damage, but it also keeps them securely attached to my person. I’ve never had to worry about losing my keys in the surf, making for a stress-free surfing experience.

Waterproof Key Pouch

2. Hidden Key Spots

Hiding your car keys in a secure spot on the beach is a simple yet effective way to keep them safe while you surf. You can bury them under a towel, stash them within your beach bag, or tuck them away in another inconspicuous location away from prying eyes. Just be sure to choose a spot that’s not too obvious but still easy for you to remember.

I’ve tried hiding my keys under a towel while surfing, and it has worked well for me in most cases. It’s a straightforward and low-cost solution that provides a sense of security knowing that my keys are safely tucked away. However, there’s always a slight worry in the back of my mind about someone discovering them, so I make sure to bury them deep enough to deter any potential thieves.

keys under a towel

3. Ziplock Bags

Waterproof cases or ziplock bags offer an affordable and practical solution for protecting your keys from water damage while you’re out on the waves. These cases provide a secure seal, keeping your keys dry even in the surf. They’re typically made from durable, waterproof materials and come in various sizes to accommodate different key sizes and quantities.

I’ve used a ziplock bag to store my keys while surfing, and it has been a reliable option for me. It’s a simple and cost-effective solution that provides an extra layer of protection against water damage. However, I’ve learned from experience that it’s essential to double-check the seal to ensure no water seeps in, as even a small amount can cause damage to your keys.

Ziplock Bag

4. Key Holding Services

Some beaches offer key holding services specifically for surfers, providing a secure place to store your keys while you’re out enjoying the waves. These services typically involve renting a locker or leaving your keys with a designated attendant who keeps them safe until you return. It’s a convenient option that eliminates the need to worry about your keys while you’re surfing.

I’ve used key holding services at busy surf spots, and they’ve been a lifesaver for me. It’s reassuring to know that my keys are in a secure location, especially when I’m surfing in crowded areas where theft can be a concern. The convenience of being able to drop off my keys and pick them up after my session without any hassle makes this option well worth it for me.

5. Leave with a Friend

Another simple solution is to leave your car keys with a trusted friend or family member who isn’t surfing. This option eliminates the risk of losing your keys in the water and provides peace of mind knowing that someone responsible is looking after them while you surf.

Leaving my keys with a friend has been a reliable option for me, especially when surfing with a group. It’s convenient and doesn’t require any additional equipment or planning. However, I’ve found that it’s essential to choose someone trustworthy and reliable to ensure that your keys are safe and easily accessible when you’re ready to head home.

6. Keyless Entry Systems

If your vehicle is equipped with a keyless entry system, consider using this option while you’re surfing. Keyless entry systems allow you to unlock and start your car without needing to use a physical key, eliminating the risk of water damage or loss while you’re out on the waves.

I’ve used a keyless entry system for my car while surfing, and it has been incredibly convenient. Not having to worry about carrying a physical key or risking water damage has made my surfing trips much more enjoyable. However, it’s essential to ensure that your keyless entry system is functioning correctly and that you have a backup plan in case of any issues.

7. Combination Lockboxes

Using a combination lockbox secured to your vehicle is another option for storing your keys while surfing. These lockboxes provide a secure place to store your keys, allowing you to set a unique combination to access them when needed.

I’ve used a combination lockbox on occasions when I wanted an extra layer of security for my keys. It’s a reliable option that provides peace of mind knowing that my keys are safe and easily accessible when I’m ready to head home. However, it’s essential to choose a high-quality lockbox and set a combination that’s easy to remember but difficult for others to guess.

Combination Lockbox

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