How to Wax a Skimboard in 5 Easy Steps

How to wax a skimboard

Waxing a skimboard is a fundamental step that can make a significant difference in your performance on the beach. Whether you’re new to the sport or a seasoned skimboarder, understanding how to apply wax properly is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process, providing you with five easy steps to ensure your skimboard is ready to glide smoothly across the water.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

To embark on your exhilarating skimboard waxing journey, the first step is to gather all the essential materials. A well-equipped arsenal not only streamlines the process but also lays the foundation for a more efficient and satisfying waxing experience. Here’s a comprehensive list of what you’ll need:

1. Skimboard Wax Selection

Choosing the right wax is crucial and depends on the water temperature you’ll be navigating. Opt for softer wax in warmer waters to enhance traction, while colder conditions benefit from harder wax, providing a superior grip.

2. Basecoat Wax

Consider the basecoat wax as the preparatory step in ensuring your skimboard is ready for the topcoat application. This foundational layer establishes a robust bond between the wax and the board, guaranteeing durability and consistent performance over time.

3. Wax Comb or Scraper

The trusty wax comb or scraper plays a pivotal role later in the process. Its primary function is to create a textured pattern on the wax, elevating your board’s grip on the water. This small yet essential tool enhances both performance and style.

4. Hairdryer (Optional)

While not mandatory, a hairdryer can become your valuable companion, especially if you’re tackling the waxing process in colder conditions. Its warmth softens the wax, making it more pliable and easier to apply. The optional use of a hairdryer ensures an even distribution of wax, contributing to an optimal finish.

With your waxing toolkit assembled, let’s delve into the subsequent steps that will infuse your skimboard with an extra dose of grip and style. The following sections will guide you through each step, ensuring a thorough and insightful exploration of the waxing process.

Step 2: Prepare Your Skimboard

Now that your materials are ready, it’s time to prepare your skimboard for the waxing process. This step is crucial for ensuring optimal wax adhesion and a flawless finish. Follow these steps to get your skimboard in prime condition:

1. Clean the Surface

Begin by thoroughly cleaning the surface of your skimboard to eliminate any lingering sand, salt, or remnants of old wax. A soft cloth or a specialized scraper can be employed for this task. This meticulous cleaning process is essential to create a pristine canvas for the new wax, allowing it to adhere effectively.

2. Remove Old Wax

If there’s existing wax on your skimboard, take the time to remove it completely. A wax comb or scraper can be instrumental in scraping off the old wax, revealing the bare surface of the board. This step ensures that the new wax bonds seamlessly, preventing any interference from the previous wax layers.

3. Inspect for Damage

While preparing your skimboard, take a moment to inspect the surface for any dings, cracks, or damage. Addressing these issues before waxing ensures that the wax application is not compromised by underlying structural problems. Minor repairs can be undertaken using skimboard repair kits or appropriate materials.

4. Ensure a Smooth Surface

After cleaning and inspecting, confirm that the skimboard’s surface is smooth and free of imperfections. Run your hands over the board to detect any irregularities, and if needed, sand down rough spots or uneven areas. A smooth surface contributes to a more even wax application and enhances overall performance.

5. Dry Thoroughly

Before moving on to the next step, ensure that your skimboard is completely dry. A dry surface allows the wax to adhere better, ensuring a more durable and effective grip. Patience at this stage pays off in the form of a professionally waxed skimboard ready for the waves.

With your skimboard thoroughly prepared, the stage is set for the exciting process of wax application. The meticulous preparation ensures that the wax bonds seamlessly, providing your board with the perfect foundation for enhanced performance on the water. Let’s now move on to the next step in this comprehensive guide.

Step 3: Apply Basecoat Wax

As you venture into the heart of the skimboarding waxing process, applying the basecoat wax is akin to laying the foundation for your ride. This pivotal step sets the stage for optimal grip and performance. Here’s a detailed guide on how to apply the basecoat wax:

1. Circular Motion Application

Envision the application of the basecoat wax as the artistic beginning of your skimboarding masterpiece. Employ a circular motion as you generously rub the basecoat wax across the entire surface of your skimboard. Be thorough in covering the areas where you anticipate standing during your ride. This initial layer serves as the bedrock for topcoat adhesion, ensuring a seamless and durable finish.

2. Generous Coverage

Don’t be shy with the wax – apply it generously. The basecoat serves a dual purpose: not only does it provide a robust foundation for the subsequent layers, but it also contributes significantly to the overall grip and control of your skimboard. Adequate coverage is key to a smooth glide and an enhanced riding experience.

3. Focus on High-Wear Areas

Pay extra attention to the high-wear areas of your skimboard, such as the section where your feet will be positioned. These targeted applications in key zones ensure that your board maintains optimal traction and performance even under intense riding conditions.

4. Check for Uniformity

As you apply the basecoat wax, periodically check for uniform coverage. Ensure that no spots are left unattended, and the wax is evenly distributed across the entire surface. A consistent application guarantees a balanced grip, preventing any unevenness that could affect your ride.

5. Let it Set

Allow the applied basecoat wax to set and bond with the skimboard surface. This resting period ensures that the wax adheres securely, laying the groundwork for subsequent layers. The patience invested here contributes to a more resilient and enduring wax job.

With the basecoat wax skillfully applied, you’ve crafted the canvas for your skimboarding adventure. The subsequent steps will build upon this foundation, enhancing both style and functionality. Join us in the next step as we explore the art of topcoat wax application and the finishing touches that elevate your skimboard to new heights.

Step 4: Apply Topcoat Wax

Having laid the foundation with the basecoat wax, it’s now time to infuse your skimboard with the magic of the topcoat. This critical step is where traction meets excitement, elevating your ride to new levels. Here’s a step-by-step guide on applying the topcoat wax:

1. Repeat the Circular Motion

Channel the artistic flow once more as you apply the topcoat wax in a circular motion. Mirror the technique used for the basecoat, ensuring comprehensive coverage across the entire surface of your skimboard. This consistent motion aids in the even distribution of the wax, setting the stage for enhanced traction and a stylish ride.

2. Concentrate on Foot Placement Areas

Direct your attention to the specific areas where your feet will be positioned during the exhilarating moments of skimboarding. These high-impact zones require extra wax for optimal grip and control. Be liberal in your application, as a generous amount of topcoat wax in these key areas contributes significantly to the overall performance of your board.

3. Build Layers for Durability

Consider applying multiple layers of topcoat wax for added durability. Each layer contributes to the longevity of the wax job, ensuring sustained grip over extended periods of use. The layering technique enhances the overall effectiveness of the wax, making your skimboard a reliable companion in various water conditions.

4. Check for Consistency

As you apply the topcoat wax, periodically check for consistency in coverage. Ensure that all areas receive attention, leaving no spot untouched. Consistent coverage not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your board but also guarantees a uniform and reliable grip on the water.

5. Final Touches

Take a moment for final touches, ensuring that every inch of your skimboard is perfected. Address any uneven spots, and if desired, use a wax comb or scraper to create a textured pattern on the wax. These finishing touches not only contribute to style but also enhance the grip and overall performance of your skimboard.

6. Allow to Set

Allow the applied topcoat wax to set thoroughly. This crucial step allows the wax to bond securely with the basecoat and the skimboard surface. Patience at this stage ensures that the wax achieves maximum effectiveness, providing you with a reliable and high-performing board for your skimboarding adventures.

With the topcoat wax applied and set, your skimboard is now primed for action. Join us in the final step as we explore additional tips and tricks to maintain your waxed board and make the most of every thrilling ride.

how to wax a skimboard

Step 5: Comb and Scrape

As we approach the final phase of your skimboarding waxing adventure, it’s time to refine and enhance the grip on your freshly waxed board. Introducing texture to the waxed surface is a key step in fine-tuning your ride for optimal performance. Here’s how to utilize a wax comb or scraper to create a textured pattern:

1. Choose Your Tool

Select your weapon of choice, whether it’s a wax comb or scraper. Both tools are effective in creating texture, and your choice may depend on personal preference or the specific design you want to achieve.

2. Create a Textured Pattern

With the wax comb or scraper in hand, begin creating a textured pattern on the waxed surface of your skimboard. This pattern serves a dual purpose: enhancing traction and preventing slips while adding a touch of personal style to your board. Get creative and design your own unique pattern, or opt for the classic checker pattern for a timeless look.

3. Focus on High-Wear Areas

Pay particular attention to the high-wear areas, such as the spots where your feet make frequent contact with the board. Adding extra texture to these zones ensures a superior grip, enhancing stability and control during your skimboarding adventures.

4. Experiment with Designs

Feel free to experiment with different designs and patterns. Whether you prefer zigzags, swirls, or a custom creation, this step allows you to showcase your individuality and make your skimboard stand out on the waves.

5. Fine-Tune for Grip

As you create the textured pattern, periodically assess the grip on your board. Adjust the pressure and depth of your combing or scraping to achieve the desired level of traction. This hands-on approach allows you to fine-tune the grip according to your preferences and the specific conditions you’ll be riding in.

6. Checker Pattern (Optional)

If you’re aiming for a classic look, consider the time-tested checker pattern. This simple yet effective design not only adds texture but also brings a timeless aesthetic to your skimboard.

7. Final Inspection

Once you’ve completed the combing and scraping process, perform a final inspection. Ensure that the textured pattern is consistent and covers all necessary areas. This step guarantees that your skimboard is not only functional but also a work of art on the water.

With the combing and scraping process complete, your freshly waxed skimboard is now ready to make a splash on the waves. Before you hit the water, let’s explore some additional tips and tricks to maintain your waxed board and make the most of your upcoming skimboarding adventures.

Tips and Tricks

Congratulations on completing the waxing process! Now, let’s delve into some valuable tips and tricks to ensure your freshly waxed skimboard remains in top-notch condition for every exhilarating ride:

Temperature Matters

The right wax choice is crucial for optimal performance. Adjust your wax selection based on the water temperature. Softer waxes excel in colder waters, providing the necessary flexibility, while harder waxes offer superior grip in warmer conditions. Stay attuned to the climate to enhance your skimboarding experience.

While applying sunscreen to yourself before hitting the waves is essential, be mindful of your skimboard too. Direct exposure to sunscreen can affect the wax, causing it to break down faster. Wipe off any sunscreen residue on your board to preserve the longevity of the wax.

Maintenance is Key

Traction is paramount, and regular wax maintenance is the key to sustained performance. Periodically check your skimboard’s wax condition, especially after a few sessions. Depending on usage, you may need to reapply wax to ensure your board maintains optimal traction and control on the waves.

When your skimboard is not in action, give it the care it deserves by storing it properly. Choose a cool, dry place to prevent wax from melting in hot conditions or becoming too hard in colder climates. Proper storage preserves the integrity of the wax and ensures your skimboard is always ready for action when you are.

Experiment with Wax Combinations

Don’t hesitate to experiment with wax combinations. Mixing different types of wax can provide a customized solution that suits your preferences and the specific water conditions you encounter. This trial-and-error approach allows you to fine-tune your board for the ultimate ride.

Emergency Waxing

In a pinch and need to enhance traction quickly? Keep a small piece of wax in your beach bag for emergency touch-ups. This can be especially handy if you notice a specific area on your skimboard losing its grip during a session.

When cleaning your skimboard, use a mild, wax-friendly soap to avoid stripping away the wax layers. A gentle clean ensures that your wax job remains intact, providing consistent performance over time.

Rotate Your Skimboard

To promote even wear on the waxed surface, consider rotating your skimboard regularly. This practice helps distribute the pressure and ensures that no single area bears the brunt of wear and tear.

By incorporating these tips into your skimboarding routine, you’ll not only prolong the life of your waxed board but also elevate your overall riding experience. Now, go out there and enjoy the waves with confidence and style!


In conclusion, mastering the art of skimboard waxing is a fundamental step that can significantly enhance your performance on the beach. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned skimboarder, understanding how to apply wax properly is essential for a smooth and thrilling ride.

This comprehensive guide has taken you through five easy steps to ensure your skimboard is not just ready but optimized for gliding smoothly across the water. From gathering the right materials to applying both basecoat and topcoat waxes, and finally, adding texture with combing and scraping, you’ve now equipped yourself with the knowledge to elevate your skimboarding experience.

Remember that the choice of wax, proper maintenance, and storage are key factors in ensuring your board remains in peak condition. Experimenting with wax combinations, being sunscreen-aware, and having a backup wax for emergency touch-ups are additional tips that can make a significant difference in the longevity and performance of your freshly waxed skimboard.

How to Wax a Skimboard?

As you embark on your skimboarding adventures, keep in mind the importance of cleanliness, regular inspections, and the occasional rotation of your board to maintain optimal wax performance. With these tips and tricks, you’re not only preserving the life of your board but also maximizing the joy and thrill of each ride.

So, with your waxed skimboard in hand and a newfound confidence, head to the beach, catch those waves, and let the exhilarating journey begin. May your rides be smooth, your tricks stylish, and your experiences on the water truly unforgettable. Happy skimboarding!

Embark on a thrilling journey into the waves with our article ‘How to Surf,’ where we demystify the fundamentals and share expert tips to empower both beginners and seasoned surfers alike. Dive in to discover the key techniques and essential knowledge that will have you riding the waves with confidence and style.

skimboarding wax

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